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What are the ROX concentrations in Clara® Probe Mix, Clara® Probe 1-Step Mix and corresponding purple mixes?

The Clara® Probe Purple and Clara® Probe 1-Step Purple Mixes that contain passive reference dyes come in different formulations, each with a different concentration of the passive reference dye:

Lo-ROX mixes (PB20.65 and PB25.85) contain 200 nM ROX.
Hi-ROX mixes (PB20.66 and PB25.86) contain 2 µM ROX.
No-ROX mixes (PB20.67 and PB25.87) do not contain ROX.

Separate-ROX mixes (PB20.68 and PB25.88) include a separate tube of 50 µM ROX additive. This enables you to choose what concentration of ROX you’d like to use.
You can use our qPCR Selection Tool under the Resources drop-down menu to determine which of our mixes are best suited for your qPCR machine.

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