

Product picture of PCRBIO HS Taq DNA Polymerase


DNA templates with high GC content (>65%) can affect the efficiency of PCR due to the tendency of these templates to fold into complex secondary structures.

This is due to increased hydrogen bonding between guanine and cytosine bases, which can cause the DNA to be resistant to melting. The Taq DNA polymerase can stall at these secondary structures and primer annealing may be hindered, resulting in incomplete or non-specific amplification.

When working with GC-rich templates, we recommend PCRBIO HS Taq DNA Polymerase and PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase which are designed to perform in demanding applications. Our advanced buffer and antibody-mediated hot start technology allows robust performance and high sensitivity across a wide range templates, including complex genomic DNA and targets with a high GC content (up to 80% GC).

When higher levels of sequence accuracy are required, the VeriFi™ family of high fidelity enzymes also offer increased PCR success rates with these challenging templates. The ability to withstand high temperature cycling and denaturation up to 100°C allow better separation of GC-rich sequences, making more of your template available for priming.

VeriFi® Library Amplification Mix for NGS

2x PCR ready mix for NGS library amplification. Reduced GC bias & more unique reads than competitor mixes. Ideal for Illumina sequencing platforms.

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Category Image for VeriFi High Fidelity Polymerase

VeriFi® Polymerase & Mixes

Our highest fidelity enzyme, ideal for cloning, sequencing and site-directed mutagenesis. Get better, more consistent results, even with long and difficult templates.

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VeriFi Hot Start Polymerase category image

VeriFi® Hot Start Polymerase & Mixes

Our most versatile proofreading enzyme now with AptaLock™ hot start technology for maximised specificity in your high fidelity PCR. Ideal for multiplex reactions and room-temperature setup.

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PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase & Mixes

Is your template GC-rich? Or low in abundance? Does your sample contain PCR inhibitors? PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase is engineered to tackle these hard to amplify templates.

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HS Taq DNA Pol category image and Tm Calculator page.

PCRBIO HS Taq DNA Polymerase & Mixes

Whether you need a hot start enzyme for high-throughput assays, automated reaction setup or the detection of a low copy viral template, PCRBIO HS Taq DNA Polymerase is a robust, industry-leading enzyme to meet your needs. Available in standard and custom formats to suit the specific requirements of your COVID-19 diagnostic workflow.

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