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What is the dynamic range of UltraScript™ 2.0?

Overall UltraScript™ 2.0 can reverse transcribe as little as 20 pg and up to 3.5 μg of RNA. The performance depends on the type of RNA, RNA quality and whether specific primers, oligod(T)s or random hexamers are used. If you’re working with RNA quantities between 5 ng and 3.5 μg, it is best to use undiluted UltraScript™ 2.0. For applications requiring access to a more sensitive performance of UltraScript™ 2.0, diluting the enzyme and cDNA product might be necessary. Please refer to “How can high Ct’s in the qPCR step or low PCR product on the gel after a RT step (PCR/qPCR problem) be alleviated?”. Keep in mind that when using enzyme that is more diluted, one will compromise its performance at high capacity RNA input but improve sensitivity since those two are offset by each other.

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