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What is the maximum length of product possible using qPCRBIO cDNA Synthesis Kit?

The RTase included in qPCRBIO CDNA Synthesis Kit can transcribe very long targets of up to 20 kB with sufficient optimisation1. However, the kit contains random hexamers that will align in random places along the sequence and this will greatly reduce the maximum length of a continuous product. Most of the products will be discontinuous to a large extent nonetheless, the whole sequence of RNA will be covered and subsequently be quantifiable with qPCR. This applies to any cDNA synthesis kit that incorporates random hexamers. If full-length continuous products are required, we recommend UltraScript Reverse Transcriptase or UltraScript 2.0 Reverse Transcriptase as these products come with a buffer without any hexamers and oligo(dT)s.

1  Thiel, V. et al. Effective amplification of 20-kb DNA by reverse transcription PCR. Anal Biochem 252, 62-70, doi:10.1006/abio.1997.2307 (1997).

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